A Cartesian Diver or a Cartesian Devil.It is a classic experiment to do at home it simply explains the Archimedes Principle.The LAW OF BUOYANCY. Below is the video of cartesian diver made by owners:
This experiment can be made in 5 minutes
So, the things you require are:
- A 2 litre transparent bottle
- A pen's cap
- Clay
- Water

To make it follow the following steps:
- Take a pen's cap
- Take some plasticine ( clay ) and put it on the bottom of the pen's cap
- Now fill the bottle with water
- Put the pen's cap in the bottle filled with water and close it
- Now squeeze the bottle's wall and observe
When we squeeze the wall of the bottle the pen's cap ( diver ) goes down and when we release the wall it comes up.
Why does it happen?
When we squeeze the wall it goes down because the pressure inside the bottle increases and the air bubble inside the pen's cap get compressed which results in the change of the overall density of the pen's cap as a result the density of water decreases and the density of the pen's cap gets greater than the density of the water and therefore the pen's cap sinks.
When we release the wall the compressed air in the pen's cap expands as a result the buoyancy of water increases and the pen's cap rises up.
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